Monday, December 31, 2012

Endless Waltz Series:HG 1/100 Gundam Sandrock

Gundam Sandrock, a dessert warrior, owned by a prince.
His V-fin was destroyed during a spring cleaning by my mum, 
she dropped him from my display cabinet.
However, I feel it actually made him look even cooler with the rugged look.
When I learnt to do weathering of gundam, he may be the first to be weather out.

Endless Waltz Series:HG 1/100 Gundam H-Arms

This is Gundam Heavy Arms,
One of my favourites too, because it's packed with loads of firepower,
How cool is that.

Endless Waltz Series:HG 1/100 Gundam 神龍

This is a very chinese-themed gundam, with 2 dragons head attached to its arms,
no wonder it is named,Gundam 神龍
I am sure it will look great if i painted it instead of stickers.

Endless Waltz Series:HG 1/100 Gundam Deathscythe

This is Gundam Deathscythe, one of my favourite gundams of all time.
It's look so cool with the bat's wing.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Endless Waltz Series:HG 1/100 Wing Gundam Zero

Hi Guys,

Recently found some time to took photos for my old kits.
I will be posting the Gundams from Endless Waltz Series.
Posing was a bit tough, as the joints had became loose over the years.
No paint job or watsoever, all stickers and built.
Those were the young days.
Well, enjoy these pictures.

Unicorn Series:HGUC 1/144 RX-0 Unicorn Gundam Banshee

HG 1/144 RX-0 Unicorn Gundam Banshee

This is my first gundam from the unicorn series.
On one of my off day, I was shopping around at OG, Bugis.
 Saw a discount for this HG gundam kit, at only $25.
I knew I had to buy it.
It was a rough build, painted the gold parts.
Less talk, and enjoy the photos.